integration create

Create an Application Integration

codepipes integration create

Create an Application Integration


Create an Application Integration

This create command is used to configure an integration pipeline for the application.
Required parameters are 'name', 'build-platform', 'artifact-in' and 'artifact-out'. The
artifact parameters are used to specify what the pipeline should act on ('artifact-in'),
and what it is expected to product ('artifact-out').

The 'pipeline-def' parameter is used to specify the series and order of actions that is
to be performed in pipeline. This parameter is the path to a YAML file which has the
following format:

  • moduleRefId:
  • moduleRefId:
    is of the form :@ e.g. gcp:bash@1.
    Use 'codepipes pipeline module list" to see all available.
    is the name of one of the specified pipeline module inputs
    is the value for the specified input
codepipes integration create [flags]


  -i, --artifact-in string            Input application artifact (UUID of App Artifact)
  -o, --artifact-out string           Output application artifact (UUID of App Artifact)
  -p, --build-platform string         Build platform where integration pipelines will be executed (gcp | aws | azure)
  -d, --description string            Application integration description
  -e, --env-var stringArray           Application integration environment variable (specified as name[:s]=value - use multiple times for multiple variables)
      --name string                   Application integration name
      --override-in string            Override the value of the input artifact based on type: 'git:tag:newtag' or 'cont:a_new_tag'
      --override-out string           Override the value of the output artifact based on type: 'git:tag:newtag' or 'cont:a_new_tag'
  -c, --pipeline-config stringArray   Pipeline configuration (specified as name=value - use multiple times for multiple configuration values)
      --pipeline-configfile string    Path to YAML file containing any pipeline configuration
  -m, --pipeline-def string           Path to YAML file containing the pipeline definition and inputs
  -f, --varfile string                File that contains variable definitions (use this for sensitive variables)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --app string        Application ID
      --config string     Config file (default is $HOME/.codepipes.yml)
  -D, --debug             Turn on debug mode
      --endpoint string   Endpoint where Code Pipes APIs are running (e.g.
      --help              Show help for command
      --org string        Organization ID
      --proj string       Project ID
      --sslmode           Use https instead of http when calling the API endpoint. Use --sslmode=false to use http. (default true)
      --webapp string     Endpoint for Code Pipes web application. If not set, is determined by replacing 'api' prefix on endpoint flag with 'dash'