bundle plan

Get the installation plan for an application bundle

codepipes bundle plan

Get the installation plan for an application bundle

codepipes bundle plan [flags]


      --app string          Application ID
  -f, --bundlefile string   Bundle entry point file (default is index.yaml/index.yml)
  -c, --credential string   ID of credential to use for private repository
      --dir string          Directory in repository where bundles files are located (default "/")
      --env string          Environment ID
      --org string          Organization ID
  -o, --out string          File name to write plan file to (default "codepipes.plan")
      --proj string         Project ID
  -r, --repo string         Repository where bundles files are located
  -v, --revision string     Revision of source control to checkout. Format is <type>:<identifier> (default "branch:master")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string     Config file (default is $HOME/.codepipes.yml)
  -D, --debug             Turn on debug mode
      --endpoint string   Endpoint where Code Pipes APIs are running (e.g. api.codepipes.io)
      --help              Show help for command
      --sslmode           Use https instead of http when calling the API endpoint. Use --sslmode=false to use http. (default true)
      --webapp string     Endpoint for Code Pipes web application. If not set, is determined by replacing 'api' prefix on endpoint flag with 'dash'