bundle export

Export the project as bundle, and write the bundle files on disk

codepipes bundle export

Export the project as bundle, and write the bundle files on disk

codepipes bundle export [flags]


      --org string    Organization ID
  -o, --out string    existing directory to write bundle files to (default ".")
      --proj string   Project ID

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string     Config file (default is $HOME/.codepipes.yml)
  -D, --debug             Turn on debug mode
      --endpoint string   Endpoint where Code Pipes APIs are running (e.g. api.codepipes.io)
      --help              Show help for command
      --sslmode           Use https instead of http when calling the API endpoint. Use --sslmode=false to use http. (default true)
      --webapp string     Endpoint for Code Pipes web application. If not set, is determined by replacing 'api' prefix on endpoint flag with 'dash'